Monday 2 December 2013

Slow Loris - facts and info

- Slow Lorises are primates/mammals originating from Southeast Asia.
- The Slow Loris possesses a toxic (strong venomous) bite. It is a very rare trait for a mammal indeed. The venom servers as a defence against enemy animals but also the Slow Loris mothers lick the fur of their babies to protect them (by spreading the venom).
- The adult Slow Loris weight is between 2 – 3 pounds.

- Slow Lorises have a range of habitats over a vast area of southern and south-eastern Asia.
- They are endangered due because of their habitat loss and also hunting for illegal pet and traditional medicine trades.
- Slow Lorises diet consist of mainly fruits but also insects, little reptiles, birds and bird eggs.

- In some parts of Asia the Slow Loris is well respected animal – and it is believed it can cure more than 50 diseases.
- Slow Lorises could also eat tree leaves or tree gum.
- The Slow Lorises can be found in a number of locations in Asia, including: China, Indian subcontinent, etc...

- Slow Lorises have very special pincer-like hands and feet and are perfectly adapted to live on the trees and above the ground.
- The Slow Lorises could live up to 20 years in captivity.
- Slow Loris has large eyes and is adapt at seeing in the dark providing the ability to hunt for small animals during night.

- Currently, there are five to eight species of Slow Loris recognised. The prime species are Greater Slow Loris, Pygmy Slow Loris, Javan, Benga and Bornean.
- All the Slow Loris species are listed as Endangered or Vulnerable.
- Little is known about Slow Lorises social structure. It is known though that they communicate to each other by scent marking.

- The name 'Loris' is Dutch in nature and means 'clown', which probably comes from the facial features that help to define the species.
- One of the biggest challenges for the Slow Loris is reproduction. Slow Lorises reproduce slowly, and the infants are initially put over branches or carried by either parent.
- The slow Loris is omnivores, eating small animals, insects, fruit, vegetables, tree gum, and other vegetation.

- The sexual maturity of the Slow Loris comes after 18 months and they can start mating.
- Slow Lorises are nocturnal animals and they use scent marking to communicate with each other either for mating or threatening other animals.
- The illegal trading is really huge problem for Slow Lorises. Together with the habitat loss those are the primary reasons for declining Slow Lorises population.

- Naturally the Slow Lorises live in South-eastern Asia and Western Indonesia.
- The pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) lives in the same area, and is similar in behaviour to the Slow Loris.
- The Slow Loris preferred habitat includes tropical forests, secondary forests and suburban gardens.

- The Slow Loris is a nocturnal primate with forward-facing eyes and human-like hands with an opposable thumb.
- Slow Lorises have a round head, large eyes (adapted at seeing at nigh), narrow snout, and a variety of distinctive coloration patterns that are species-dependent.
- The Slow Loris could be found in South and Southeast Asia. The range of countries it could be found in is: From Bangladesh to Northeast India and in the west to the Philippines in the east, and from the Yunnan province in China in the north to the island of Java in the south.

- Many previous classifications could not identify all the Slow Loris species. Now we know there are at least eight different Slow Loris species that are considered valid.
-  The Slow Loris is amongst the rarest primate on our planet. The scientists consider them to be devolved specie from their closest cousins “the African bushbabies” – probably about around 40 million years ago.
- Slow Lorises sleep during the day, rolled up in a ball with their head between their legs.

- Usually the Slow Lorises are seen as slow movers but actually they frequently ’race walk’ and can move up to 8km per night. Equally the Lorises are able to remain totally still for hours on end if required.
- The Slow Loris is also closely related to the remaining lorisoids, as well as the Lemurs of Madagascar.
- The greatest cause for Slow Lorises decline is the demand for exotic pet or traditional medicine compared to the loss of their natural habitat.

- Slow Lorises have really slow pregnancy – more than 6 months to produce little babies weighting less than 50 g.
- Slow Lorises movement looks similar to the snake’s one. The twisting movement we all see is caused by having several more vertebras in their spine compared to the other primates.
- Slow Lorises arms and legs are nearly equal in length. On top of that their trunk is long, allowing them to twist and extend to nearby branches.

- In their natural habitat the Slow Lorises could live up to 25 years.
- They mate once every per 1 – 1.5 years.
- The Slow Loris’s grasp is very strong allowing the animal to freeze in their current position for hours as they stalk their prey.

- Slow Lorises have a toxic bite – and should not be pets! It is actually the only lorisid primate that is venomous.
- The Slow Loris moves slowly and makes very little noise so when threatened it can freeze and almost become invisible.
- Their second finger is reduced for gripping. Also the Slow Lorises have the longest tongues of all the primates (compared to body size). They use the tongue to drink water or nectar.

- The Slow Loris venom can kill and there is currently no known cure. Although scientifically not clear how they evolved the poison – the reason for the venom is primarily defence.
- Slow Lorises often use their both hands to eat while hanging upside-down from branches using their feet.
- The Slow Lorises are protected from International commercial trade and many laws. Despite all the efforts though the animals are still sold openly at many Asian markets and illegally imported into many countries.

- The evolutionary history of the Slow Lorises is uncertain as the fossil records are scarce and the molecular clock studies provided inconsistent results.
- Slow Lorises have many enemies. Sadly the biggest treat is the man. The other predators hunting for Lorises are hawks, eagles, snakes, orangutans, and even cats, civets and bears.
- The hands and feet of Slow Lorises adapted very well to allow them hold and grasp branches for very long periods of time.

- Slow Lorises males are highly territorial and very competitive towards other males.
- Although the Slow Loris is a small mammal, their home ranges can be huge – sometimes even the size of 35 football pitches.
- The Slow Loris toxin is produced by licking a gland on their arm, and the secretion mixes with its saliva to become active.

- Slow Lorises number of young is 1 to 2 offspring every 1 – 1.5 years
- Slow Lorises are very popular as pets in some You Tube channels – e.g. Sonya – the Slow Loris or Slow Loris - Kinako.
- The Slow Lorises are solitary nocturnal animals that sleep through the day and hunt during the night.

- Sadly, many Slow Lorises have their teeth removed for the purpose of pet trade. Many Lorises die from blood loss, infections, poor nutrition or poor handling.
- The pregnancy period of a female Slow Loris is about 190 days.
- Sadly there are very deep beliefs about the supernatural powers of the Slow Lorises. They are considered to protect from evil spirits or cure wounds and conditions. Many animals are killed for the purpose of the traditional medicine. 

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